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What is Insulation?, How Is External Wall Isolation Made?

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What is External Wall Isolation, House Insulation Types

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    Okunma Sayısı : 255

What is External Wall Isolation, House Insulation Types

    Insulation, What is Insulation?, How Is External Wall Insulation Made?

    1. What is Insulation?

    1. What are the Materials Used to Provide Isolation?
    2. Types of Insulation
    3. Insulation For Roof
    4. Installing Insulation
    5. How Much Are Insulation Prices?
    6. House insulation types
    7. Insulation Materials

    2. What are the Isolation Methods?

    1. What Is Insulation Used For?
    2. Insulation Rules
    3. What is Insulation
    4. Types of Insulation

    3. How Does Insulation Happen?

    1. How Much is a Meter of Insulation?
    2. Types of Insulation
    3. Insulation Styrofoam
    4. Example of Insulation Contract
    5. Building Insulation

    4. Isolation Images

    1. Insulation Heat and Water Insulation
    2. Insulation Coating
    3. Insulation Board
    4. Insulation Foam
    5. Thermal insulation Materials
    6. Roof Heat Insulation
    7. Thermal Insulation

    5. Conclusion

    What does "Insulation" Mean?: Insulation, or in other words insulation, is the process of minimizing the energy flow from or to the environment by using any "insulating material". Thermal insulation, sound insulation and water insulation are good examples for "insulation construction". Insulation It has become a very popular word due to the corona virus we live in today. This method of combating "pandemic", which is emphasized under the name of "social isolation", is applied all over our country in April 2020. The type of isolation we are considering is "building isolation" techniques.

    What Is External Wall Insulation Used For?

    Insulation is made with materials designed to prevent the transmission of heat or sound from one space to another. It is normally used to keep heat or sound inside or outside of your home or to limit it to certain parts of your home. Insulation can work in a number of different ways, but most commonly it contains materials made up of millions of tiny pockets. Still air is an extremely good insulator, and trapped air pockets are what give most types of insulation their high thermal resistance. What is sheathing? You can also use our article.

    If you are bothered by the noise of neighbors or traffic, soundproofing is your requirement. Also, if you can't get warm in the winter and are overwhelmed by the heat in the summer, " heat insulation " will be the right choice for your requirement.

    In medicine, biology, construction, etc. The common name of an insulation tool used in many fields is called "isolation" . The subject we will deal with will be " insulation in buildings ". We can also call the concept of " insulation of buildings " as " saving with insulation in houses ". Is isolation mandatory? We recommend that you take a look at the article. You will be able to access detailed information about " TS 825 Standard Regulation on Thermal Insulation in Buildings ", known as "insulation rules" in the biannals.

    Going a little deeper, " sheathing in buildings " refers to an energy saving measure that provides resistance to heat flow . Naturally, heat flows from a warmer place to a cooler area.

    How Is External Wall Insulation Made?

    By "insulating" a house , you can reduce heat loss to buildings in cold weather or climate and reduce excess heat in hot weather or climate. Insulating a home has several benefits , including energy savings , cost savings, and greater comfort.

    Barriers to taking energy-saving measures can be the relatively high investment costs and the time and effort required to realize the energy savings. In cold climates, there are three types  of insulation methods against heat loss , each with its own technical characteristics and financial costs and benefits. Insulation measures are often one of the most cost-effective energy-saving measures.

    What is Insulation?

    Types of Thermal Insulation and Sheathing to Control Heat 

    This is the type of insulation that people normally think of first when they hear the word " insulation ". Thermal insulation is often found in walls and ceilings, especially the exterior walls of a house where heat is likely to be gained or lost. The main idea of ​​thermal insulation is very simple ; to keep one side of the insulation warmer than the other. If you live in an area where the weather changes with the seasons, your insulation will need to be combined with the right passive design principles.

    If it's always hot or cold where you live, your insulation will be included in the design.

    The effectiveness of thermal insulation is measured by what are known as " R values ". The higher the R value, the better the thermal insulation it provides. There are two ways the R-values ​​are specified, it can be the R-value of an insulating material known per se . How is internal insulation done? You can learn about   internal isolation methods by reviewing our article.

    Soundproofing to Control Sound

    In addition to thermal insulation, insulation can also be used to control sound, and any if "insulation" will help control both. Acoustic insulation is normally found on walls, ceilings and floors, but special sound insulation is often reserved for special applications (such as home theaters).

    Likewise, if you live in an area where outside noise from things like busy roads, airports, train lines or industrial machinery is intruding, you may want to look into specific ways to keep that sound out. Acoustic isolation measures can make a big difference, especially for windows, ceilings and walls.

    Can Insulation Respond to Both Types of Insulation?

    When we say both types of insulation, what we mean is the application of heat and sound insulation . Heat insulation can reduce the flow of sound to some extent (and vice versa), but most " insulation variants " lean strongly to one side or the other. When people ask this question, they normally ask whether thermal insulation would be sufficient as soundproofing in a house. The answer really depends on the volume and pitch of the noise that needs to be controlled and how your house is built. In most homes that are only exposed to general low-level noise, thermal insulation will do the job well enough that no additional acoustic insulation is needed. acoustic insulationIt can be very useful on the interior walls of your home to stop the transmission of noise between bedrooms and living areas. If you want to review our Insulation Contract Example article, you can access it from the link.

    What are the Insulation Types?

    Probably the first type of insulation people think of is usually styrofoam siding, glasswool or rockwool; Sticks are types of insulation and heat insulation materials that fit inside the frame of your home, usually in wall areas or on your ceiling, with a light, fluffy appearance . Felts are made of fibrous materials and work by compressing tiny air pockets inside the fibers.

    Other common types of insulation include blown cellulose (easier to install if the house is already built), polyurethane foam, polyester matting, and reflective foil. Each type works differently to capture or remove heat and offers different advantages and disadvantages.

    This professional team will  give you the necessary information about the exterior cladding materials for the " best jacketing brand "  .

    In addition to being the most qualified of the service class that our company  will offer you, as we mentioned, it will be produced with the materials that are the exact equivalent of your needs and the  optimum insulation prices  will be created for you.

    The "sheathing materials" used in these processes applied by the  sheathing companies that make exterior applications also vary.

    Special acoustic insulation may require higher density fibrous insulation or other dense materials and is usually made of polymer-based materials such as rubber or glue. However, in residential applications, the combination of the density of a system's interior wall structure with installed bulkinulation will provide significant acoustic benefits.

    What is Insulation?, Why Insulation?

    One of the known misconceptions about the "exterior cladding" issue in buildings is that the heat is mostly lost through the roofs and windows . However, a large area of ​​heat energy is lost through external walls with large surface areas . This loss corresponds to half of the total heat loss. If "insulation" is to be done for the purpose of saving, in addition to insulating the windows and roofs, the most important part, the exterior walls, must also be insulated. The most known name of this process is sheathing application.

    Insulation Application Techniques

    Types of Wall, Roof and Attic, Floor and Soil Insulation

    Wall, roof and floor insulation can be done by fixing the insulation material to the outer, inner or outer surface, for example, to the wall, roof or floor using " heat insulation boards ". Different insulation materials for walls, roofs and floors require "different insulation measures". Buildings may have hollow walls, for example, consisting of two layers separated by a hollow. This area already provides some insulation , but can be filled using additional " sheathing materials " such as " styrofoam " to further increase the "insulating" effect. " Roof Insulation " for flat roofs ,

    Floors are usually wood or concrete, and each requires specific insulation measures . Another option for reducing heat losses from the ground is soil insulation, for example placing insulation material (a very low basement) above the ground, called a "creeping gap".

    The age of a building is an important factor in determining the type of insulation and the way it is installed, for example if the insulation is placed outside or inside the structure.

    Window and Door Insulation

    Windows and exterior doors greatly affect a building's heating and cooling requirements. New materials , jamb finishes and designs have significantly increased the energy efficiency of new high-performance windows and doors. New high-end windows can be six times more energy efficient than low-quality, old windows. Some of the latest developments in enhanced windows include multiple glazing, the use of two or more glass panels or other films for insulation, and low-emission coatings that reduce the flow of infrared energy from the building to the environment. Not only to the window itself, but also to the window frame, which can significantly affect the window's insulation level.attention must be paid.

    Thanks to Trendwall interior " styrofoam wall panels " manufactured by METPOR, you can benefit from the advantages of " do-it-yourself sheathing " with its "decorative" and " insulation " feature . With the water insulation and thermal insulation applications to be made on roofs and terraces in a complementary way, it creates superior quality living spaces for the people living by preserving the continuity of the air in the apartments and other interior spaces.

    Sealing Cracks

    Another insulation measure that reduces the amount of heat loss is to seal cracks in the "cladding" of the building. Cracks cause cold air to leak from the outside or warm air to leak outside. Strips or other materials can be used to seal cracks in moving parts such as windows and doors and where different structural parts are attached together.

    In today's world, where the energy requirement is constantly increasing but the resources are decreasing, it is inevitable that the energy costs will increase due to the ever-increasing fuel prices .

    Today , thermal insulation is one of the top priorities for conscious consumers. Buildings with exterior cladding are easier to sell and rent than non-insulated buildings. In addition to contributing to the environment, national economy and personal savings with heat insulation applications, you can live in more comfortable , healthy and reliable houses .

    When it comes to exterior cladding types  , the first technique that comes to mind is " sheathing " techniques. The reason for this is that it is cost-effective to implement and  once the exterior cladding decision  is taken, it can be quickly started on the practical application stage.

    Materials Used to Provide Insulation
    • Thermal Insulation Boards 
    • Expanded Polystyrene  Styrofoam Insulation Boards 
    • Glasswool: (TS 901 – EN13162)
    • Rockwool  : (TS 901 – EN13162)
    • Expanded Polystyrene (EPS): ( TS7316 – EN13163 )
    • Extruded Polystyrene (XPS): ( TS11989 – EN13164 )
    • Polyurethane Foam (PUR): ( TS EN 13165 )
    • Glass Foam : ( TS EN 13167 )
    • Phenol Foam: ( TS 2193 – EN 131666 )
    • Polyethylene Foam: (TS 418 – EN 12201)
    • Cork Boards : ( TS 304 )
    • Wood Fiber Boards: ( TS 304 )
    • Wood Wool Boards: ( TS EN 13171)
    • Expanded Perlite (EPB): ( TS EN 13169)
    • Expanded Cork (ICB): ( TS EN 13170 )
    • Sheathing Adhesive
    • Sheathing Anchor
    • Sheathing Thermal Insulation Plaster
    • Decorative Coating
    • Exterior paint
    • Jointed Coating
    • Mansion Printing Facade Cladding
    • Terra Cotta Wall Insulation Panels
    • Wooden Patterned Facade Cladding
    • Trendwall Styrofoam Wall Panels
    • Exterior Jamb Cladding Materials

    The siding materials, which provide design opportunities by making  the thermal insulation and exterior cladding of the building, are produced from a thermoplastic material we call EPS styrofoam polystyrene foam . Styrofoam insulation boards are light and durable  thermal insulation materials, and they are insulation materials with excellent thermal insulation metric values. 

     There are dozens of types of exterior coating application. The " sheathing materials " used in these processes applied by the  sheathing companies that make exterior applications also vary. But when choosing between " sheathing materials in buildings ", a few main reasons should be considered. Because the best thermal insulation materials are durable on the exterior, not easily affected by water and moisture, fire resistance, pressure and tensile strength, vapor diffusion resistance, unit volume weight, plaster adhesion, workability, long life, economical in terms of sheathing material m2 prices. factors should be taken into account.

    Structural Insulated Panels

    Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are prefabricated insulated structural elements for use in building walls, ceilings, floors, and roofs. They provide superior and uniform insulation compared to more traditional construction methods (stud or "stick frame"), offering energy savings of 12% to 14%. When installed properly, SIPs also result in a more airtight dwelling, which makes a house energy efficient, quieter, and more comfortable.

  • What is External Wall Isolation?, What are the Insulation Types?
  • Exterior Thermal Insulation Materials and Technical Specifications
  • Sheathing, Exterior "Heat Insulation" Types
  • What is Exterior Cladding?, External Wall Cladding (Sheathing) Methods
  • What is External Wall Thermal Insulation?, What Does Thermal Insulation Do?

    What is External Wall Isolation, House Insulation Types

    Metpor Dekor

    Insulation, What is Insulation?, How Is External Wall Insulation Made?

    1. What is Insulation?

    1. What are the Materials Used to Provide Isolation?
    2. Types of Insulation
    3. Insulation For Roof
    4. Installing Insulation
    5. How Much Are Insulation Prices?
    6. House insulation types
    7. Insulation Materials

    2. What are the Isolation Methods?

    1. What Is Insulation Used For?
    2. Insulation Rules
    3. What is Insulation
    4. Types of Insulation

    3. How Does Insulation Happen?

    1. How Much is a Meter of Insulation?
    2. Types of Insulation
    3. Insulation Styrofoam
    4. Example of Insulation Contract
    5. Building Insulation

    4. Isolation Images

    1. Insulation Heat and Water Insulation
    2. Insulation Coating
    3. Insulation Board
    4. Insulation Foam
    5. Thermal insulation Materials
    6. Roof Heat Insulation
    7. Thermal Insulation

    5. Conclusion

    What does "Insulation" Mean?: Insulation, or in other words insulation, is the process of minimizing the energy flow from or to the environment by using any "insulating material". Thermal insulation, sound insulation and water insulation are good examples for "insulation construction". Insulation It has become a very popular word due to the corona virus we live in today. This method of combating "pandemic", which is emphasized under the name of "social isolation", is applied all over our country in April 2020. The type of isolation we are considering is "building isolation" techniques.

    What Is External Wall Insulation Used For?

    Insulation is made with materials designed to prevent the transmission of heat or sound from one space to another. It is normally used to keep heat or sound inside or outside of your home or to limit it to certain parts of your home. Insulation can work in a number of different ways, but most commonly it contains materials made up of millions of tiny pockets. Still air is an extremely good insulator, and trapped air pockets are what give most types of insulation their high thermal resistance. What is sheathing? You can also use our article.

    If you are bothered by the noise of neighbors or traffic, soundproofing is your requirement. Also, if you can't get warm in the winter and are overwhelmed by the heat in the summer, " heat insulation " will be the right choice for your requirement.

    In medicine, biology, construction, etc. The common name of an insulation tool used in many fields is called "isolation" . The subject we will deal with will be " insulation in buildings ". We can also call the concept of " insulation of buildings " as " saving with insulation in houses ". Is isolation mandatory? We recommend that you take a look at the article. You will be able to access detailed information about " TS 825 Standard Regulation on Thermal Insulation in Buildings ", known as "insulation rules" in the biannals.

    Going a little deeper, " sheathing in buildings " refers to an energy saving measure that provides resistance to heat flow . Naturally, heat flows from a warmer place to a cooler area.

    How Is External Wall Insulation Made?

    By "insulating" a house , you can reduce heat loss to buildings in cold weather or climate and reduce excess heat in hot weather or climate. Insulating a home has several benefits , including energy savings , cost savings, and greater comfort.

    Barriers to taking energy-saving measures can be the relatively high investment costs and the time and effort required to realize the energy savings. In cold climates, there are three types  of insulation methods against heat loss , each with its own technical characteristics and financial costs and benefits. Insulation measures are often one of the most cost-effective energy-saving measures.

    What is Insulation?

    Types of Thermal Insulation and Sheathing to Control Heat 

    This is the type of insulation that people normally think of first when they hear the word " insulation ". Thermal insulation is often found in walls and ceilings, especially the exterior walls of a house where heat is likely to be gained or lost. The main idea of ​​thermal insulation is very simple ; to keep one side of the insulation warmer than the other. If you live in an area where the weather changes with the seasons, your insulation will need to be combined with the right passive design principles.

    If it's always hot or cold where you live, your insulation will be included in the design.

    The effectiveness of thermal insulation is measured by what are known as " R values ". The higher the R value, the better the thermal insulation it provides. There are two ways the R-values ​​are specified, it can be the R-value of an insulating material known per se . How is internal insulation done? You can learn about   internal isolation methods by reviewing our article.

    Soundproofing to Control Sound

    In addition to thermal insulation, insulation can also be used to control sound, and any if "insulation" will help control both. Acoustic insulation is normally found on walls, ceilings and floors, but special sound insulation is often reserved for special applications (such as home theaters).

    Likewise, if you live in an area where outside noise from things like busy roads, airports, train lines or industrial machinery is intruding, you may want to look into specific ways to keep that sound out. Acoustic isolation measures can make a big difference, especially for windows, ceilings and walls.

    Can Insulation Respond to Both Types of Insulation?

    When we say both types of insulation, what we mean is the application of heat and sound insulation . Heat insulation can reduce the flow of sound to some extent (and vice versa), but most " insulation variants " lean strongly to one side or the other. When people ask this question, they normally ask whether thermal insulation would be sufficient as soundproofing in a house. The answer really depends on the volume and pitch of the noise that needs to be controlled and how your house is built. In most homes that are only exposed to general low-level noise, thermal insulation will do the job well enough that no additional acoustic insulation is needed. acoustic insulationIt can be very useful on the interior walls of your home to stop the transmission of noise between bedrooms and living areas. If you want to review our Insulation Contract Example article, you can access it from the link.

    What are the Insulation Types?

    Probably the first type of insulation people think of is usually styrofoam siding, glasswool or rockwool; Sticks are types of insulation and heat insulation materials that fit inside the frame of your home, usually in wall areas or on your ceiling, with a light, fluffy appearance . Felts are made of fibrous materials and work by compressing tiny air pockets inside the fibers.

    Other common types of insulation include blown cellulose (easier to install if the house is already built), polyurethane foam, polyester matting, and reflective foil. Each type works differently to capture or remove heat and offers different advantages and disadvantages.

    This professional team will  give you the necessary information about the exterior cladding materials for the " best jacketing brand "  .

    In addition to being the most qualified of the service class that our company  will offer you, as we mentioned, it will be produced with the materials that are the exact equivalent of your needs and the  optimum insulation prices  will be created for you.

    The "sheathing materials" used in these processes applied by the  sheathing companies that make exterior applications also vary.

    Special acoustic insulation may require higher density fibrous insulation or other dense materials and is usually made of polymer-based materials such as rubber or glue. However, in residential applications, the combination of the density of a system's interior wall structure with installed bulkinulation will provide significant acoustic benefits.

    What is Insulation?, Why Insulation?

    One of the known misconceptions about the "exterior cladding" issue in buildings is that the heat is mostly lost through the roofs and windows . However, a large area of ​​heat energy is lost through external walls with large surface areas . This loss corresponds to half of the total heat loss. If "insulation" is to be done for the purpose of saving, in addition to insulating the windows and roofs, the most important part, the exterior walls, must also be insulated. The most known name of this process is sheathing application.

    Insulation Application Techniques

    Types of Wall, Roof and Attic, Floor and Soil Insulation

    Wall, roof and floor insulation can be done by fixing the insulation material to the outer, inner or outer surface, for example, to the wall, roof or floor using " heat insulation boards ". Different insulation materials for walls, roofs and floors require "different insulation measures". Buildings may have hollow walls, for example, consisting of two layers separated by a hollow. This area already provides some insulation , but can be filled using additional " sheathing materials " such as " styrofoam " to further increase the "insulating" effect. " Roof Insulation " for flat roofs ,

    Floors are usually wood or concrete, and each requires specific insulation measures . Another option for reducing heat losses from the ground is soil insulation, for example placing insulation material (a very low basement) above the ground, called a "creeping gap".

    The age of a building is an important factor in determining the type of insulation and the way it is installed, for example if the insulation is placed outside or inside the structure.

    Window and Door Insulation

    Windows and exterior doors greatly affect a building's heating and cooling requirements. New materials , jamb finishes and designs have significantly increased the energy efficiency of new high-performance windows and doors. New high-end windows can be six times more energy efficient than low-quality, old windows. Some of the latest developments in enhanced windows include multiple glazing, the use of two or more glass panels or other films for insulation, and low-emission coatings that reduce the flow of infrared energy from the building to the environment. Not only to the window itself, but also to the window frame, which can significantly affect the window's insulation level.attention must be paid.

    Thanks to Trendwall interior " styrofoam wall panels " manufactured by METPOR, you can benefit from the advantages of " do-it-yourself sheathing " with its "decorative" and " insulation " feature . With the water insulation and thermal insulation applications to be made on roofs and terraces in a complementary way, it creates superior quality living spaces for the people living by preserving the continuity of the air in the apartments and other interior spaces.

    Sealing Cracks

    Another insulation measure that reduces the amount of heat loss is to seal cracks in the "cladding" of the building. Cracks cause cold air to leak from the outside or warm air to leak outside. Strips or other materials can be used to seal cracks in moving parts such as windows and doors and where different structural parts are attached together.

    In today's world, where the energy requirement is constantly increasing but the resources are decreasing, it is inevitable that the energy costs will increase due to the ever-increasing fuel prices .

    Today , thermal insulation is one of the top priorities for conscious consumers. Buildings with exterior cladding are easier to sell and rent than non-insulated buildings. In addition to contributing to the environment, national economy and personal savings with heat insulation applications, you can live in more comfortable , healthy and reliable houses .

    When it comes to exterior cladding types  , the first technique that comes to mind is " sheathing " techniques. The reason for this is that it is cost-effective to implement and  once the exterior cladding decision  is taken, it can be quickly started on the practical application stage.

    Materials Used to Provide Insulation
    • Thermal Insulation Boards 
    • Expanded Polystyrene  Styrofoam Insulation Boards 
    • Glasswool: (TS 901 – EN13162)
    • Rockwool  : (TS 901 – EN13162)
    • Expanded Polystyrene (EPS): ( TS7316 – EN13163 )
    • Extruded Polystyrene (XPS): ( TS11989 – EN13164 )
    • Polyurethane Foam (PUR): ( TS EN 13165 )
    • Glass Foam : ( TS EN 13167 )
    • Phenol Foam: ( TS 2193 – EN 131666 )
    • Polyethylene Foam: (TS 418 – EN 12201)
    • Cork Boards : ( TS 304 )
    • Wood Fiber Boards: ( TS 304 )
    • Wood Wool Boards: ( TS EN 13171)
    • Expanded Perlite (EPB): ( TS EN 13169)
    • Expanded Cork (ICB): ( TS EN 13170 )
    • Sheathing Adhesive
    • Sheathing Anchor
    • Sheathing Thermal Insulation Plaster
    • Decorative Coating
    • Exterior paint
    • Jointed Coating
    • Mansion Printing Facade Cladding
    • Terra Cotta Wall Insulation Panels
    • Wooden Patterned Facade Cladding
    • Trendwall Styrofoam Wall Panels
    • Exterior Jamb Cladding Materials

    The siding materials, which provide design opportunities by making  the thermal insulation and exterior cladding of the building, are produced from a thermoplastic material we call EPS styrofoam polystyrene foam . Styrofoam insulation boards are light and durable  thermal insulation materials, and they are insulation materials with excellent thermal insulation metric values. 

     There are dozens of types of exterior coating application. The " sheathing materials " used in these processes applied by the  sheathing companies that make exterior applications also vary. But when choosing between " sheathing materials in buildings ", a few main reasons should be considered. Because the best thermal insulation materials are durable on the exterior, not easily affected by water and moisture, fire resistance, pressure and tensile strength, vapor diffusion resistance, unit volume weight, plaster adhesion, workability, long life, economical in terms of sheathing material m2 prices. factors should be taken into account.

    Structural Insulated Panels

    Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are prefabricated insulated structural elements for use in building walls, ceilings, floors, and roofs. They provide superior and uniform insulation compared to more traditional construction methods (stud or "stick frame"), offering energy savings of 12% to 14%. When installed properly, SIPs also result in a more airtight dwelling, which makes a house energy efficient, quieter, and more comfortable.


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