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What is Energy Efficiency?, Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficiency

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  • What is Energy Efficiency?, Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficiency

What is Energy Efficiency?, Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficiency

  • Metpor



    Okunma Sayısı : 170

What is Energy Efficiency?, Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficiency

    What is Energy Efficiency?, Sheathing and Energy Efficiency

    Energy efficiency is minimizing the amount of energy consumed without reducing the amount and quality in production, without hindering economic development and social welfare.
    More broadly, siding energy efficiency; It is the whole of efficiency-enhancing measures such as preventing energy losses in gas, steam, heat, air and electricity, recycling and evaluating various wastes, or reducing energy demand with advanced technology without reducing production, more efficient energy sources, advanced industrial processes, and energy recovery. The most important factor in energy efficiency is energy saving
    For this, you must definitely use isolation techniques.should be used. Energy saving, which is generally perceived as using less energy and turning off one of the two bulbs, is actually minimizing the amount of energy consumed without reducing quality and performance by evaluating energy wastes and preventing current energy losses . Energy saving is realized in two ways.

    The first is to directly use energy-saving homes, cars and other cutting-edge technologies; It consists of concrete measures such as regulating habits and daily behaviors to use energy more efficiently. The second is indirect energy savings , reducing the production of new goods by allowing existing goods to be used for a longer period of time; These are measures such as arranging settlements to minimize energy consumption, using technologies that consume less energy, and transitioning to activities where there is no direct material consumption in the economy.

    Why Energy Efficiency?

    Energy affects every aspect of our lives: it provides us with light, heat, transportation and fuel for other vehicles. However, today we are in a time where we need to think more than ever about the security of our energy supply and the environmental impact of energy from fossil fuels.
    Now we all understand that unless we start changing the way energy is produced and consumed, we are facing an irreversible environmental crisis; this means that we need to use renewable energy sources much more in the future and focus more on energy efficiency.
    However, we are still at the beginning and have a lot of work to do to spread the message about the wise use of energy. Both consumers and people who have a say in the social field need to be convinced about sustainable energy production and use.
    In order to achieve our goals, we all need to participate in this effort as individuals, society, industry representatives or authorized public institutions. Even the smallest contribution to change the scope of energy will not be insignificant.
    Fossil resources are decreasing day by day,
    Prices are climbing due to increasing demand,
    Ecological balance is alarming…
    For a Turkey, which is among the countries with high energy consumption per capita and low energy density, for
    resource security and clean environment
    Let's turn all the energy we use into benefit!..
    General Situation in Energy

    In our country, which is still at the stage of rapid development, industrialization activities, orientation to new technologies, rising living standards and increasing population cause more energy consumption every year. As of 2003, our primary energy consumption has reached 83.3 million tons of oil equivalent and 70% of our total energy supply has been met through imports. Due to the rapid increase in demand, it is expected that only 22% of the total energy supply will be met by domestic production in 2020. In our country, which has limited resources in terms of energy resources and is foreign-dependent, the main goal is to meet the energy need in an adequate, reliable and economical way. The efficient use of energy is one of the most important tools to be used in achieving this goal. exterior sheathingapplication is very important in this respect.
    The concept of Energy Intensity is the most healthy and correct parameter in the definition of development, and it is the relationship between the unit economic value produced from unit energy. It is a tool that represents the amount of primary energy consumed per gross domestic product and is widely used for tracking and comparing energy efficiency all over the world. Sophistication can be measured by creating a lot of economic value using less energy.
    The most basic indicator in ensuring the efficient use of energy is the reduction of energy density. The energy consumption per capita in our country is approximately 1/5 of the OECD average, and the energy density is twice the OECD average.
    Despite the studies carried out to date, the energy density has not shown a decreasing trend. According to the data of the International Energy Agency, while the energy density in developed countries is between 0.09-0.19, the fact that it is 0.38 in our country and does not show a decreasing trend reveals the need for serious consideration of this issue. Even this figure alone, this issue is of particular importance when we look at the obligations of our country in the EU harmonization process, which can be done to increase Turkey's energy efficiency . In the Accession Partnership Document prepared in 2003, ensuring compliance with the legislation on energy efficiency and developing practices for energy saving were among the short-term priorities.
    It has become imperative to make the necessary legal arrangements in order to ensure efficient use of energy and to implement an effective energy efficiency program, to alleviate the burden of energy costs on the economy, to raise awareness about energy efficiency and to fulfill international obligations. In this context, the Energy Efficiency Law No. 5627 was published in the Official Gazette dated May 02, 2007 and numbered 26510 and entered into force. With the entry into force of legal regulations and regulations, the following important changes will be observed:

    1. The annual maximum energy consumption (kWh/m2) of the buildings will be determined.
    2. Building installations will be regularly inspected.
    3. Thermal insulation standards in buildings will change according to the law.
    4. Each building will have an energy performance certificate.
    5. Energy monitoring methods and systems will be used in buildings.
    6. There will be energy managers who perform activities related to energy management in industrial enterprises and buildings within the scope of the law.

    Savings Potential

    In our country, it is known that there is an energy saving potential of 20-30% in sectors where energy is used intensively. (Industry ≥ 20%, Buildings and Services ≥ 30%, Transportation ≥ 20%) When the electricity saving potential of 15% is recovered, a natural gas power plant investment of 6.5 billion TL can be avoided. Natural gas worth 3.0 billion USD per year may not be imported.
    When 35% savings in heating and cooling of buildings and businesses and 15% in transportation are achieved, 1.4 billion USD worth of oil and natural gas may not be imported annually.
    The target set by the Energy Efficiency Law and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources is to reduce Turkey's energy intensity by 15% by 2020. This target will pave the way for more production with the same energy, reduce our energy investment needs and import dependency, and will also make significant contributions to the protection of the clean environment.
    Studies on Increasing Energy Efficiency; The lowest possible energy consumption for many devices, equipment, buildings and energy services, performance rating and labeling with the aim of withdrawing inefficient products from the market, establishing financing mechanisms for more energy efficient products and informing the consumer about the most efficient products are among the recommended priorities. .
    In addition, with regard to losses in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, it is recommended to focus on new ways to increase efficiency in new and existing power generation capacity and reduce losses in transmission and distribution. Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Heating & Cooling Systems Most of the energy consumption in houses is spent on space heating. 45% of the total bill of a typical house is paid for heating and cooling. In order to save the energy spent on heating the houses (or offices), it is necessary to maintain the indoor temperature in the environment. The building must be well insulated in order to keep the indoor heat indoors. Heat losses occur in buildings at the rate of 7% from the roofs, 40% from the external walls, 6% from the floors and 17% from the doors.

    1. Put an aluminum foil-coated insulation board between the wall and the radiator. You can prepare these panels yourself at home by covering the styrofoam sheet with aluminum foil.
    2. Thermostatic radiator valves, which adjust the radiator temperature, provide 15-20% energy savings per year.
    3. Do not block radiators with long curtains. Do not put furniture. Do not hinder the movement of hot air.
    4. Keep north-facing window curtains and blinds, if any, closed in winter.
    5. Insulate your water heater and hot water pipes to prevent heat losses.
    6. If your floor heater is located in an unheated area, prevent heat losses by insulating the pipe and tank.
    7. Replace your boiler or floor heating with condensing, high efficiency ones.
    8. In houses with central heating, reduce the temperature with thermostatic valves instead of opening the windows when the temperature is high.
    9. By reducing the ambient temperature by 1 degree, you can reduce energy consumption by 6%. Do not raise the ambient temperature more than necessary in winter. It is suitable to heat living rooms between 19 and 21 oC and bedrooms between 16-18 oC.
    10. Keep the apartment entrance doors closed. Double door or automatic closing helps with heat preservation.
    11. On sunny winter days, turn off your heater and open your curtains. The sun will heat your home for free.
    12. Prevent leaks by checking door and window gaps. Use window insulation tapes for this.
    13. Use insulated glasses. They are more expensive than standard glasses, but they provide comfort and energy savings. If 12 mm double glazing is used, the heat lost from the windows is reduced by 50%. Using low-e glasses will further reduce heat losses.
    14. Insulate your building with jamb cladding  .
    15. Get help from an energy manager.
    16. When buying a house, make sure it is an energy efficient house. You pay more in the beginning. But you will save both money and energy for life. Energy Efficiency in Lighting Systems and Electrical Devices The share of lighting in the total electrical energy consumed in our country is around 20%. By providing efficiency in lighting, both visual and budgetary relief will be provided.
    17. Energy saving in lighting is achieved by providing the minimum required luminous intensities without sacrificing visual comfort. For this, high efficiency light sources should be used instead of low efficiency light sources. For example, replacing a conventional light bulb with a low-energy light bulb can reduce energy consumption by around 80%.
    We can list the measures that can be taken at home to save energy in lighting as follows:

    First, take advantage of natural daylight. Arrange your furniture to facilitate the penetration of sunlight. Paint your walls a light color.
    Lower the illuminance levels. Do not turn on your lights unnecessarily. Instead of ceiling lighting, choose smaller designs that illuminate the workspace.
    Use compact fluorescent lamps that are 80% more efficient. A 25 W compact fluorescent lamp can be used instead of a 100 W incandescent lamp.
    Replace light bulbs in the most used spaces with energy efficient ones.
    Prefer tube fluorescent lamps for spaces where design is available.
    Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
    Keep your lamps clean; Dirty, dusty lamps consume 25% more energy. Office equipment, which is by far the most important item of increase in the average electricity bills of residences, is also included in the product group that creates more than 50% energy saving potential. Approximately 10-15% of the energy consumed in homes is consumed by appliances that remain plugged in even though they are not used. In 2000, it was determined that the energy consumed due to stand-by in houses in 15 European Union member countries was 94 billion kWh. This value is equivalent to the production of 12 large nuclear power plants or thermal power plants. It is predicted that this value will double in the next 10 years.
    The measures to be taken to minimize the energy used by electronic devices used in homes and offices are as follows:
    The simplest, easiest way is to unplug the device from the socket. Unplug your mobile phone charger, just plug it in when you are going to charge your phones.
    Use multiple sockets with on-off button. So you can turn off all devices with a single tap.
    When purchasing new electronics, buy energy efficient class A devices.
    Enable energy management features on your computer and monitor. Use energy saving.

    If you are looking for the best service for the city of Istanbul , you can stop looking now. Because you found what you were looking for. Metpor Jamb and sheathing products are offered for you with exterior cladding , using the best quality services and  the best exterior cladding materials  . 

    Istanbul is  one of the largest metropolises in the worldmany  jacketing companies are active. Similarly, thermal insulation companies arequite diverse in our city " Istanbul ". These  sheathing companies  should be more advanced than the insulation companies that serve as standard. Exterior cladding  is a special construction area and this subject requires a separate expertise. Istanbul sheathing prices  accordingly vary according to the qualifications of these sheathing companies. Before talking about Istanbul sheathing prices  , why is thermal insulation important?, what is the importance of sheathing?We must seek answers to questions.

    According to the current laws, it  is mandatory for newly implemented buildings to have thermal insulation . For this purpose   , you should contact the exterior coating companies  and  sheathing companies and insulate your building in a reasonable way according to the regulations. Within the scope of the energy performance regulation, thermal insulation   must allow an energy identity certificate to be issued. exterior cladding and  sheathing specifications  must also be prepared reasonably and  applied perfectly  . In addition to the exterior sheathing  application,  jamb  applications are also recommended. Both the  thermal insulation materials we produce  andThe fact that we are making applications with sheathing materials puts us among " Turkey's largest facade companies ".

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    What is Energy Efficiency?, Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficiency

    Metpor Dekor

    What is Energy Efficiency?, Sheathing and Energy Efficiency

    Energy efficiency is minimizing the amount of energy consumed without reducing the amount and quality in production, without hindering economic development and social welfare.
    More broadly, siding energy efficiency; It is the whole of efficiency-enhancing measures such as preventing energy losses in gas, steam, heat, air and electricity, recycling and evaluating various wastes, or reducing energy demand with advanced technology without reducing production, more efficient energy sources, advanced industrial processes, and energy recovery. The most important factor in energy efficiency is energy saving
    For this, you must definitely use isolation techniques.should be used. Energy saving, which is generally perceived as using less energy and turning off one of the two bulbs, is actually minimizing the amount of energy consumed without reducing quality and performance by evaluating energy wastes and preventing current energy losses . Energy saving is realized in two ways.

    The first is to directly use energy-saving homes, cars and other cutting-edge technologies; It consists of concrete measures such as regulating habits and daily behaviors to use energy more efficiently. The second is indirect energy savings , reducing the production of new goods by allowing existing goods to be used for a longer period of time; These are measures such as arranging settlements to minimize energy consumption, using technologies that consume less energy, and transitioning to activities where there is no direct material consumption in the economy.

    Why Energy Efficiency?

    Energy affects every aspect of our lives: it provides us with light, heat, transportation and fuel for other vehicles. However, today we are in a time where we need to think more than ever about the security of our energy supply and the environmental impact of energy from fossil fuels.
    Now we all understand that unless we start changing the way energy is produced and consumed, we are facing an irreversible environmental crisis; this means that we need to use renewable energy sources much more in the future and focus more on energy efficiency.
    However, we are still at the beginning and have a lot of work to do to spread the message about the wise use of energy. Both consumers and people who have a say in the social field need to be convinced about sustainable energy production and use.
    In order to achieve our goals, we all need to participate in this effort as individuals, society, industry representatives or authorized public institutions. Even the smallest contribution to change the scope of energy will not be insignificant.
    Fossil resources are decreasing day by day,
    Prices are climbing due to increasing demand,
    Ecological balance is alarming…
    For a Turkey, which is among the countries with high energy consumption per capita and low energy density, for
    resource security and clean environment
    Let's turn all the energy we use into benefit!..
    General Situation in Energy

    In our country, which is still at the stage of rapid development, industrialization activities, orientation to new technologies, rising living standards and increasing population cause more energy consumption every year. As of 2003, our primary energy consumption has reached 83.3 million tons of oil equivalent and 70% of our total energy supply has been met through imports. Due to the rapid increase in demand, it is expected that only 22% of the total energy supply will be met by domestic production in 2020. In our country, which has limited resources in terms of energy resources and is foreign-dependent, the main goal is to meet the energy need in an adequate, reliable and economical way. The efficient use of energy is one of the most important tools to be used in achieving this goal. exterior sheathingapplication is very important in this respect.
    The concept of Energy Intensity is the most healthy and correct parameter in the definition of development, and it is the relationship between the unit economic value produced from unit energy. It is a tool that represents the amount of primary energy consumed per gross domestic product and is widely used for tracking and comparing energy efficiency all over the world. Sophistication can be measured by creating a lot of economic value using less energy.
    The most basic indicator in ensuring the efficient use of energy is the reduction of energy density. The energy consumption per capita in our country is approximately 1/5 of the OECD average, and the energy density is twice the OECD average.
    Despite the studies carried out to date, the energy density has not shown a decreasing trend. According to the data of the International Energy Agency, while the energy density in developed countries is between 0.09-0.19, the fact that it is 0.38 in our country and does not show a decreasing trend reveals the need for serious consideration of this issue. Even this figure alone, this issue is of particular importance when we look at the obligations of our country in the EU harmonization process, which can be done to increase Turkey's energy efficiency . In the Accession Partnership Document prepared in 2003, ensuring compliance with the legislation on energy efficiency and developing practices for energy saving were among the short-term priorities.
    It has become imperative to make the necessary legal arrangements in order to ensure efficient use of energy and to implement an effective energy efficiency program, to alleviate the burden of energy costs on the economy, to raise awareness about energy efficiency and to fulfill international obligations. In this context, the Energy Efficiency Law No. 5627 was published in the Official Gazette dated May 02, 2007 and numbered 26510 and entered into force. With the entry into force of legal regulations and regulations, the following important changes will be observed:

    1. The annual maximum energy consumption (kWh/m2) of the buildings will be determined.
    2. Building installations will be regularly inspected.
    3. Thermal insulation standards in buildings will change according to the law.
    4. Each building will have an energy performance certificate.
    5. Energy monitoring methods and systems will be used in buildings.
    6. There will be energy managers who perform activities related to energy management in industrial enterprises and buildings within the scope of the law.

    Savings Potential

    In our country, it is known that there is an energy saving potential of 20-30% in sectors where energy is used intensively. (Industry ≥ 20%, Buildings and Services ≥ 30%, Transportation ≥ 20%) When the electricity saving potential of 15% is recovered, a natural gas power plant investment of 6.5 billion TL can be avoided. Natural gas worth 3.0 billion USD per year may not be imported.
    When 35% savings in heating and cooling of buildings and businesses and 15% in transportation are achieved, 1.4 billion USD worth of oil and natural gas may not be imported annually.
    The target set by the Energy Efficiency Law and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources is to reduce Turkey's energy intensity by 15% by 2020. This target will pave the way for more production with the same energy, reduce our energy investment needs and import dependency, and will also make significant contributions to the protection of the clean environment.
    Studies on Increasing Energy Efficiency; The lowest possible energy consumption for many devices, equipment, buildings and energy services, performance rating and labeling with the aim of withdrawing inefficient products from the market, establishing financing mechanisms for more energy efficient products and informing the consumer about the most efficient products are among the recommended priorities. .
    In addition, with regard to losses in electricity generation, transmission and distribution, it is recommended to focus on new ways to increase efficiency in new and existing power generation capacity and reduce losses in transmission and distribution. Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Heating & Cooling Systems Most of the energy consumption in houses is spent on space heating. 45% of the total bill of a typical house is paid for heating and cooling. In order to save the energy spent on heating the houses (or offices), it is necessary to maintain the indoor temperature in the environment. The building must be well insulated in order to keep the indoor heat indoors. Heat losses occur in buildings at the rate of 7% from the roofs, 40% from the external walls, 6% from the floors and 17% from the doors.

    1. Put an aluminum foil-coated insulation board between the wall and the radiator. You can prepare these panels yourself at home by covering the styrofoam sheet with aluminum foil.
    2. Thermostatic radiator valves, which adjust the radiator temperature, provide 15-20% energy savings per year.
    3. Do not block radiators with long curtains. Do not put furniture. Do not hinder the movement of hot air.
    4. Keep north-facing window curtains and blinds, if any, closed in winter.
    5. Insulate your water heater and hot water pipes to prevent heat losses.
    6. If your floor heater is located in an unheated area, prevent heat losses by insulating the pipe and tank.
    7. Replace your boiler or floor heating with condensing, high efficiency ones.
    8. In houses with central heating, reduce the temperature with thermostatic valves instead of opening the windows when the temperature is high.
    9. By reducing the ambient temperature by 1 degree, you can reduce energy consumption by 6%. Do not raise the ambient temperature more than necessary in winter. It is suitable to heat living rooms between 19 and 21 oC and bedrooms between 16-18 oC.
    10. Keep the apartment entrance doors closed. Double door or automatic closing helps with heat preservation.
    11. On sunny winter days, turn off your heater and open your curtains. The sun will heat your home for free.
    12. Prevent leaks by checking door and window gaps. Use window insulation tapes for this.
    13. Use insulated glasses. They are more expensive than standard glasses, but they provide comfort and energy savings. If 12 mm double glazing is used, the heat lost from the windows is reduced by 50%. Using low-e glasses will further reduce heat losses.
    14. Insulate your building with jamb cladding  .
    15. Get help from an energy manager.
    16. When buying a house, make sure it is an energy efficient house. You pay more in the beginning. But you will save both money and energy for life. Energy Efficiency in Lighting Systems and Electrical Devices The share of lighting in the total electrical energy consumed in our country is around 20%. By providing efficiency in lighting, both visual and budgetary relief will be provided.
    17. Energy saving in lighting is achieved by providing the minimum required luminous intensities without sacrificing visual comfort. For this, high efficiency light sources should be used instead of low efficiency light sources. For example, replacing a conventional light bulb with a low-energy light bulb can reduce energy consumption by around 80%.
    We can list the measures that can be taken at home to save energy in lighting as follows:

    First, take advantage of natural daylight. Arrange your furniture to facilitate the penetration of sunlight. Paint your walls a light color.
    Lower the illuminance levels. Do not turn on your lights unnecessarily. Instead of ceiling lighting, choose smaller designs that illuminate the workspace.
    Use compact fluorescent lamps that are 80% more efficient. A 25 W compact fluorescent lamp can be used instead of a 100 W incandescent lamp.
    Replace light bulbs in the most used spaces with energy efficient ones.
    Prefer tube fluorescent lamps for spaces where design is available.
    Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
    Keep your lamps clean; Dirty, dusty lamps consume 25% more energy. Office equipment, which is by far the most important item of increase in the average electricity bills of residences, is also included in the product group that creates more than 50% energy saving potential. Approximately 10-15% of the energy consumed in homes is consumed by appliances that remain plugged in even though they are not used. In 2000, it was determined that the energy consumed due to stand-by in houses in 15 European Union member countries was 94 billion kWh. This value is equivalent to the production of 12 large nuclear power plants or thermal power plants. It is predicted that this value will double in the next 10 years.
    The measures to be taken to minimize the energy used by electronic devices used in homes and offices are as follows:
    The simplest, easiest way is to unplug the device from the socket. Unplug your mobile phone charger, just plug it in when you are going to charge your phones.
    Use multiple sockets with on-off button. So you can turn off all devices with a single tap.
    When purchasing new electronics, buy energy efficient class A devices.
    Enable energy management features on your computer and monitor. Use energy saving.

    If you are looking for the best service for the city of Istanbul , you can stop looking now. Because you found what you were looking for. Metpor Jamb and sheathing products are offered for you with exterior cladding , using the best quality services and  the best exterior cladding materials  . 

    Istanbul is  one of the largest metropolises in the worldmany  jacketing companies are active. Similarly, thermal insulation companies arequite diverse in our city " Istanbul ". These  sheathing companies  should be more advanced than the insulation companies that serve as standard. Exterior cladding  is a special construction area and this subject requires a separate expertise. Istanbul sheathing prices  accordingly vary according to the qualifications of these sheathing companies. Before talking about Istanbul sheathing prices  , why is thermal insulation important?, what is the importance of sheathing?We must seek answers to questions.

    According to the current laws, it  is mandatory for newly implemented buildings to have thermal insulation . For this purpose   , you should contact the exterior coating companies  and  sheathing companies and insulate your building in a reasonable way according to the regulations. Within the scope of the energy performance regulation, thermal insulation   must allow an energy identity certificate to be issued. exterior cladding and  sheathing specifications  must also be prepared reasonably and  applied perfectly  . In addition to the exterior sheathing  application,  jamb  applications are also recommended. Both the  thermal insulation materials we produce  andThe fact that we are making applications with sheathing materials puts us among " Turkey's largest facade companies ".


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